13 feb 2019

What to take into account when planning a trip.

What to take into account when planning a trip.

Starting from the basis that you already have with whom, where and for how long to go on vacation, reserve a time to work in the planning of the trip.
For this, it is advisable to prepare a checklist with all the things you must do before your trip (e.g., finish pending matters in the office, request visa photos, apply for a visa, request a guide, ask someone to take care of the cats, receive the mail, go to the health center for the required vaccines, etc.) and then work gradually through it, starting with the most urgent and leaving the rest for later. Involve all those traveling with you in this step so that you can divide and assign tasks. It is not necessary to plan down to the smallest detail, but it can be a good experience to do this activity together.
- Find out if the country of destination requires any requirements such as vaccinations, visas, etc.
- Check your finances and make a realistic budget. Book your trip in advance (air tickets, hotels, trains, etc.). This will often save you money and allow you to better anticipate your travel costs. Compare prices, check discount city passes, search for offers and coupons, etc. Book a trip that you can afford!
- Summarize the main activities you want to enjoy and how much they cost. Make last minute adjustments to your savings so you can make sure you have enough money. This will also help you determine if you need reservations for the tours or activities you choose.

- Buy a travel insurance. Be sure to check the policy and read the fine print to make sure it covers the things you want it to cover (e.g., flight delays, destination coverage, trekking, winter activities, expensive doctors, equipment coverage). You can buy it at your existing insurance company in your country of origin or consider an international travel insurance agency.
Many people worry about the safety of certain destinations, especially if that destination has experienced a recent terrorist activity, kidnapping of tourists, shooting, riots or armed conflicts. Look for the latest travel alerts, safety warnings and travel tips. Look for recent news and travel reports. Evaluate the reliability of the source. If a valid risk seems to be present, find out if it covers the whole country, or if it is isolated in a particular city or area, if the irrigation is low or high. Once you have all the information available, evaluate with the group how they feel about the trip and the possibility of changing your destination.

Carry out your luggage: Do not overdo your luggage, just take what you need, mostly put many things that we will not use, just for the sake of prevention, but you do not need to carry any other luggage. Get organized and limit yourself to what you really need. Make a checklist and packing list for children, if applicable.

- Try to plan things that will help your children travel comfortably.
If you have never traveled with your children before, involve the children in the vacation planning process. Be sure to make at least one or two things that the children helped choose during the trip. If they are old enough, assign them small responsibilities that they can handle, such as packing their suitcase, assembling part of the itinerary, in this way they will feel part of the process.

- Make copies of all your travel documents, save your money and credit cards, keep some valuables in something like a travel belt, scarf or travel pocket, etc.

- Make sure you have tickets and passports in hand.

If an unexpected problem arises, try to remain calm, learn what you can and focus on the things that can change. Try to accept the things you cannot change and find ways to make the most of the situation.
Do not let one or two negative or unplanned experiences ruin your entire trip! Remember, it's your vacation, and there's nothing better than a vacation!